Take a quick stop here to see the house of author Stephen King.
Stephen Edwin King is an American author. His books are prevalent, and he has written 62 novels, with the newest one published in March 2021. King's books are typically horror, crime, and fantasy-based. Over 350 million copies have been sold; many made into movies or miniseries and some into comic books. King, sometimes described as the "King of Horror," has a cult-like following, and many people are intrigued by him.
The home is a private residence and is not open for tours or interior visits; however, many people enjoy stopping to see it in all its glory and contemplate the possibility of just which novels were written inside. The family doesn't mind people stopping briefly to see it and snap some photos from the public sidewalk out front for a few minutes. Stephen King has come out a few times to chat with visitors and poses for a photo or two. Please be considerate if you visit and stay a few minutes. Although it would be epic to get photos with Stephen King, it would be best not to plan on that happening.
The iron fence surrounding the property is interesting and features gargoyles and webs. Also, there is a large tree stump on the property that was turned into an amazing sculpture. Tabitha King had it carved, and it contains animals and artifacts found in some of Stephen King's novels and movies. The Kings are supportive of literacy and help fund different causes throughout Maine. Close to the front of his house is a cute free library box full of books.
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